How is Lord GaneshaLord ThothTehuti


The MOST powerful energies on Earth. Join US! • You can tell the legitimacy of an organization or a movement by the frequency of its occurrences from the divine. Galighticus has the absolute Largest provable database of these occurrences in the world. • More than Scientology, Christianity, Catholicism, etc our existence is a fact of the Gods and the creator himself. One day it will be common knowledge that the existence of Earth is but a figment of an imaginative dalliance. When this becomes known there will be many immediate shifts in the minds and hearts of the awakened creating a need to evolve beyond the external into the Eternal. This is why The Galighticus is here. • Please join us for The Codex: Sequence of Power Finale! • • #Galighticus Is a movement of spiritual advancement on Earth. There are 22 exalted status who guide protect and aid all members of our movement. We work together to create in enlightenment, expansion, enrichment, and empowerment to all who make a commitment to grow spiritually. We have been given many divine covenants that are magnificently and empowered and blessed by the Creator himself. • Each of these experiences are divine and will carry a voltage that will go beyond time to reconnect the attendee to their own divinity. This is our mission to make what is unknown, known. What is unmanifested, manifest. What hath been darkened, lightened. Thank you for joining us and please support this movement by sharing and spreading the word that we are ready to unify as one and make our way to ascension. • SRI Master Gano Grills is a WORLD CLASS Spiritual Advisor and SRI spiritual PH. D (only given by the Gods) Master Teacher to many who are seeking enlightenment as well as the teachers who guide others. The CREATOR of all is and endless enigma that no one person has all the answers to. Yet we strive to reach a better World for our descendants and bliss for ourselves. • You may order a Spiritual consultation from SRI Master Gano Grills and find out more about what we offer here • • #GalighticusSTUDENTSHIPprogrammeOFascension • #LordGanesha #LordThoth #Khemet #GalighticusMovement #TheGALIGHTICUSapp #joinus #TheGods #ABUNDANCE #SequenceOfPowerSeries #KHORDSCut #BALDR #subscribetothegalighticusyoutubechannelnowthanks #Galighticus #spirituality #love #SRIMasterGanoGrills #RaiseTHINEkundalini #disclosure #worldpeaceevent #Healing #HyperNTRELmagic #empowerment #enlightenment #higherconsciousness #multidemensionalbeings #matrix #outsideofthebox #spiritualexcellence


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