Horse Fly


This episode of Backyard Bugs with Brody is all about Horse Flies (Tabanidae). These large flies are common in Missouri, but not welcome. Brody shares some interesting facts and explains why he is not a big fan of these insects. • There are about 350 species of Horse Flies in North America, north or Mexico. They have one pair of wings, short antennae, and large eyes. However, Horse Flies are easily identified because of the medium to large size. They are mostly brown, gray, and black, sometimes with spots or stripes. • There are three primary subfamilies. • Chrysopsinae (deer flies): About 120 species in North America. They are typically smaller with spotted eyes and dark-spotted patterns on their wings. • Tabaninae (horse flies): More than 200 species in North America. Horse flies can be more than 1 inch long. Also, they usually have solid or striped eyes. • Pangoniinae has about 27 species in North America. Adults usually get their nutrients from visiting flowers. • Horse Flies are found in a wide variety of environments, but most common around streams, ponds, and lakes. This makes Missouri an ideal breeding ground. The lifecycle includes egg, larvae, pupal, and adult stages. The larvae stage could last up to three years. However, the adult stage is relatively short, only a few weeks to a couple months. • Horse Flies are known for their painful bites and relentless behavior. Their peak activity is usually in the summer. They are attracted to moving objects, dark colors, and cardon dioxide emitted by warm-blooded animals. • Female Horse Flies use a sharp, knife-like mouthpart to cut into the skin of animals. The bite is painful and significant irritation. Females drink the blood and use it to create their eggs. Unfortunately, Horse Flies also transmit diseases, like Tularemia, which are painful, itchy welts. • Male Horse Flies do not bite. They eat nectar and pollen from flowers. An easy way to tell the difference is by looking at their eyes. Females have a space between their eyes, while the eyes of males nearly touch. • Female Horse Flies will lay their eggs in soil or vegetation near water sources. Once hatched, the wormlike maggots live in water or mud, preying on insects and other small animals. They will eventually pupate and emerge as adults. • The larvae help control populations of the many small animals they eat. The adults of some species are important pollinators. Several predators, including insectivorous birds, eat them, and certain wasps parasitize them. • Meet Brody • If you are new to the channel, Brody is fascinated by bugs and animals. He loves sharing his discoveries with his brother, sister, and friends so much that he started this channel. This way he can show them videos and not just describe the bug or animal. Brody does all his own research, with some help from his parents, as well as his uncle and aunt who are biologist. He looks up facts on the animals and bugs he catches and shares them. Despite his confidence, Brody is not a bug expert. (Although he thinks he is.) Take all comments from Brody as opinion until confirmed by experts. • Hypnosis by Vendredi   / vendrediduo   Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library    • Видеоклип  


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