Old VW Beetle Seat Rail Care

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=FQw1mGyyae4

Bruce inspects the driver and passenger side #seatrails on his 1969 Type 1 Volkswagen Beetle. Do they really need a simple health check ? Yes, they do! Bruce demonstrates how to keep your rails in smooth-as-butter working order along with some tips on installing the studs. The #MolyLube grease Bruce is using is primarily used for Front End Lubrication tasks and all Wheel Bearings, and is not a paid-endorsement. • Products used in this video are NOT paid endorsements • ITEMS USED: • Moly Graph - https://amzn.to/2w4GUC8 • Disposable Shop Towels - https://amzn.to/366YH9k • 🔔 Subscribe! Bruce will be back with more old-school ways in maintaining your Stale Air ride! #HappyFahrvergnügen • 🖐️ Welcome to our channel! We are Mrs. Bruce (Camera Lady) and Bruce (Your humble 70+yr old VW mechanic)! This channel is primarily dedicated to sharing maintenance tips for Volkswagen Beetles (1953-1969) via Bruce's vast knowledge of VW Bugs! Bruce has owned and monkey-wrenched on them since 1967 and has lots to share, and like air, it's FREE! • 📽️ Some videos will include a Volvo 245 that we had for a little while and you may see Bruce in a couple puppet videos, too! We also volunteer for Patriots and Paws! They provide household furnishings FREE of charge to Veterans/Active Duty/Reservists. https://www.patriotsandpaws.org/about... Check 'em out! • AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. We do not know what you purchased. THANK YOU! • #howtoVW #AirCooledGuy #VolkswagonType1 #1600aircooled #oldmanBruce


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