PE LABELLERS Clorox Rollmatic con pressurizzazione Chimico


Video dimostrativo P.E. LABELLERS per l'etichettatrice modello Rollmatic; applicazione di etichette avvolgenti da bobina su contenitori vuoti con relativo sistema di messa in pressione durante la fase di etichettaggio. Installazione presso uno degli stabilimenti Clorox. • P.E. LABELLERS demo video for the Rollmatic model labeller; wrap-around label application from reel on empty containers with its pressurised system during labelling. Installation at one of the Clorox establishments. • Vidéo de démonstration P.E. LABELLERS présentant l'étiqueteuse de bobine modèle Rollmatic ; pose d'étiquettes enveloppantes à partie d'une bobine sur des récipients vides, avec système correspondant de mise sous pression pendant la phase d'étiquetage. Installation dans l'une des usines Clorox. • Vídeo de demostración P.E. LABELLERS para la etiquetadora modelo Rollmatic; aplicación de etiquetas envolventes desde bobina en contenedores vacíos con el correspondiente sistema de presurización durante la fase de etiquetado. Instalación en una de las plantas de Clorox. • Vídeo demonstrativo P.E. LABELLERS para Rotuladoras modelo Rollmatic; aplicação de rótulos envolventes da bobina nas embalagens vazias com sistema de pressão durante a fase de rotulagem. Em um das instalações Clorox. • • - • - • P.E. Labellers designs and manufactures high-precision labeling machines tailored for industries such as beverages, food, wine and spirits, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and more. With 50 years of experience, we are committed to delivering state-of-the-art labeling solutions that enhance both efficiency and aesthetics. Our range includes modular, rotary, and inline labelers that are capable of applying pressure-sensitive, cold-glue, hot-melt, and roll-fed labels with unparalleled accuracy and speed. Each system is built to adapt to your specific production requirements, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance. • Dive into our videos to see our innovative labelers in action, discover cutting-edge trends in labeling technology, and learn how our solutions can help streamline your production process and elevate your packaging design. Choose P.E. Labellers for world-class labeling solutions. Together, we can achieve packaging perfection! • Subscribe to our channel for regular updates, expert insights, and a closer look at how we’re transforming the art of labeling around the world. • Learn more about P.E. Labellers:    • P.E. Labellers - Headquarters virtual...   • Learn more about ProMach:    • ProMach Manifesto   • Connect with P.E. Labellers: • LinkedIn:   / p-e-labellers-north-america   • Website: • Upcoming Trade Shows:


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