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Full Playlist: • How to Take Care of a Baby • - • - • Watch more How to Take Care of a Baby videos: • Babies under 4 months old can only breathe through their noses, so when they get congested it can be hard for them to nurse. Here are some ways to help a stuffed-up infant breathe easier. • Step 1: Cradle baby • Cradle your baby in the crook of your arm, or lay her down on a changing table or some other safe spot. • Step 2: Squeeze saline • Gently tip her head back and squeeze a few saline drops into each nostril. Wait a minute or two to let the drops loosen the mucus clogging her breathing passages. • Tip • You can make your own saline drops by dissolving one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water—but never give your baby any kind of medicated nose drops. • Step 3: Suck out mucus • Now use the bulb syringe to suck out the mucus. Squeeze the bulb flat, hold it just inside your baby's nostril, and slowly release it. • Tip • Sometimes a baby will make your job easier by sneezing out the mucous after the drops are put in her nose. Just gently wipe it away—no bulb syringe necessary. • Step 4: Use washcloth • Use the washcloth to wipe away any nose drops that dribble out, as well as any mucus that escapes the syringe. • Step 5: Dab on jelly • If the skin around your baby's nose is red, dab a little petroleum jelly on it to relieve the irritation. • Tip • If your baby's having trouble nursing because she's so congested, use the saline drops and bulb syringe about 15 minutes before she's due to eat. • Step 6: Sit with shower running • Your baby may also benefit from steam. Sit with her in the bathroom with the shower running full blast on hot and the door closed for about 15 minutes. • Tip • Giving your baby a warm bath using baby-safe products with a menthol scent may also help. • Step 7: Run vaporizer • At naptime and bedtime, run a cool-mist vaporizer in her room to keep the air moist. • Step 8: Place towels under mattress • To help ease congestion while she sleeps, slip a few rolled up towels under the end of her mattress where her head will be. Don't tilt or prop the crib itself. • Step 9: Increase fluids • Increase the amount of fluid your baby takes in, by nursing or bottle-feeding her more often than usual. • Step 10: Look for signs • Throughout the day, keep an eye out for signs that she may have something worse than a cold, such as high fever, no interest in eating, or lethargy—especially if she's under 3 months. Otherwise, keeping her nose as clear as possible and offering lots of cuddles should help her feel better in no time. • Did You Know? • Children catch as many as 6 to 10 colds a year; grown-ups usually get only 2 or 3.