53 The formation and destruction of ozone SL
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An ozonated water test can easily be done with a simple Crayola water marker. Simply take the marker and dip it into some regular tap water to color the water. Then mix some clear ozonated water with the colored water. If the water turns clear then you know you truly have dissolved ozone into the water for sanitation use. • Note: The water on the right cold side is plumbed from the compact ozone water generator and the water on the left hot side is plain tap water. Click here to view the commercial compact ozone water generator • Ozone Water Generator Industrial Comm... . • Bubbling ozone in water decontaminates water of all pathogens, organic and inorganic materials including pesticides. Dissolving enough ozone in water creates the only natural organic chemical free sanitizer and disinfection solution that is FDA approved for food with absolutely zero additives. • Is all ozonated water the same? No, However, an ozone molecule is an ozone molecule. What makes the difference is the amount PPM Parts Per Million of dissolved ozone in the water. • Why is dissolved ozone PPM Parts Per Million important? Disinfection benefits are measured by contact time to the value of dissolved ozone in the water. The higher the PPM of concentration of dissolved ozone in water the faster the destruction of bacteria and viruses. • Why do studies on the Internet vary? Most of the studies are old but continue to live on the everlasting Internet. Many of the studies were done back when the average dissolved ozone was around .05 ppm. This system consistently produces 2.0 PPM - 6 PPM at the Point Of Use output. That's up to 100 times the concentration since then. Studies have shown that 2.0 ppm is a very effective disinfecting solution. Remember the FDA officially approved ozone use in 2001 not just a sanitizer but as a disinfectant . • So what's the basic difference? It's about the dissolved concentration of ozone in the water to make it a true natural organic disinfecting solution. This system uses a patented Electrolytic Oxygen Generator EOG that produces the highest quality and concentration over traditional Corona Discharge. • This compact system will produce between 2.0 - 6.0 PPM instantly and consistently that truly makes the water a sanitizing disinfectant solution with zero additives. When it comes to ozonated water always ask What is your PPM? • Another way to test is with re-agents. Click here to see a video using the IT Sensafe eXact7+ • The eXact Micro 7+ | Industrial Test ... . This will actually give you some readings for the PPM ozone oxygen dissolved in water.