James Brown The Early Years
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Subscribe to James Brown: http://bit.ly/29Vydud • A clip from the documentary, The Night James Brown Saved Boston , features interviews with James Brown and friends discussing his childhood, the time he spent in jail and his determination to straighten himself out. • Video transcript: • Cornel West: When he was small, he broke both legs playing football. So his name was crips or cripple. And he had a cast on one leg and he still scored a touchdown. • Grit. Will. Determination. How is this brother going to play football with a cast and still score a touchdown? That was James Brown. • Narrator: James Brown was raised by two aunts in a brothel in Augusta, Georgia. He dropped out of school in the seventh grade and at age 16 went to jail for stealing a car. • James Brown: I had 8 to 16 years. 8 to 16 years. That's the long time. I served three years and going into my fourth year and I decided that I better straighten myself up. • James Brown singing: Got your highest sneakers on. It's slippin' new. Got your highest sneakers on. And you're slippin' new. You're more than alright. You know you're out of sight. • Want more James Brown, go to Shout Factory: • https://www.shoutfactory.com/film/fil...