Retro game of the week Toonstruck PC
This week we're playing Toonstruck on the pc. This adventure game from 1996 about the crazy world of cartoons starred the brilliant Christopher Lloyd of Back to the Future fame. • The game's story was about an animator called Drew who gets sucked into a cartoon world of animated characters, some of which were his own creation. Lloyd appeared as a live-action character overlaid onto a colourful cartoon background which gave the game a very distinct look. • Trying to get home, Drew travelled throughout the three main lands of the cartoon world: Cutopia -- A place where the cute, innocent Disney-type characters reside, Zanydu -- An 'offshore asylum' for all the wacky Looney Tunes-type characters .... and Malevolands -- Where the evil, bad and nasty cartoons live. • The story of Toonstruck was well delivered thanks to a great voice-over cast. There are many voice-actors from famous cartoons present in the game which made the many different cut-scenes a joy to watch. • The actual gameplay was less exciting and consisted of traditional point and click adventure fare. But there were more than enough entertaining characters on the way, such as a cow who's into S M..., a gay scarecrow, oh, excuse me, carecrow ..... the obnoxiously cute Fluffy Fluffy Bun Bun .. and the Arnold wannabe personal trainer Jim. • The animation was absolutely first-rate, and the wildly colorful backgrounds had a deranged charm. The music was also top notch with some brilliantly composed tracks that really made feel like you were inside an cartoon. Hardcore animation fans and fans of cartoons in general will admire the craftsmanship that went into Toonstruck. • Toonstruck is still a very fun and innovative game to play. The actual gameplay might not be that exciting but the high production quality and funny writing makes up for it. This game truly is an ode to everything that makes cartoons special and it deserves to be recognized for that. And that's all folks! • Follow us on Twitter - / zoomingames • Tumble on our Tumblr - / zoomintvgames • Or like us on Facebook - / zoomingames • We love the latest and biggest games like Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag, Call of Duty Ghosts and FIFA 14 at Zoomin.TV Games. But also indie games on Steam and massive console hits like Grand Theft Auto 5, Watch Dogs and Thief 4. We play them ALL! And of course we have a special interest in the next generation of gaming; Playstation 4 and Xbox One, we even really like the Wii U. We. Just. Love. Games. • And we also love the retro games and the golden oldies. Remember the PS2 era? The times of the N64 and NES? Yeah, we loved those days too. You like what you see? Subscribe for more videos about your favorite games! • Zoomin.TV Games is the number one source for game tips, top 5 game videos, funny videos, video game reviews, interviews with developers and more about your favorite video games! • ** Youtube Partnership with Zoomin.TV Games ** • When you are interested in Youtube Partnerships, you've come to the right channel. We offer partnerships to gamers who have an opinion about gaming or want to show their skills on Youtube. You should know you can't use copyrighted music or videos (like movies and trailers), but your own gameplay videos with your own voice-over is perfect! More information about Youtube Partnerships can be found by going to our channel. Good luck!