Sack of Rome 1527 What happened after


  / pike_and_shot_channel   •   / pikeandshotbat1   •   / pikeandshotbattles   •   / pikeandshotbattles.documentaries.7   • It's 1528, the Sack of Rome is over. The city's population, economy and cultural life is destroyed. Pope Clement VII is humbled and must do the Emperor's bidding. • In accordance to Charles V's wishes, Henry VIII is denied his divorce, marking the beginning of the English Reformation. But there is one issue Clement won't budge on. Charles wants a grand religious council to reform the Catholic Church and achieve compromise with the Protestants. • The chance finally comes with the election of Pope Paul III. Paul begins an energetic reform of the Church meant to combat Luther's heresy. In 1545 the Council of Trent is convened, but rather than achieving compromise this further alienates Protestants, laying the ground for the Catholic Counter-Reformation. • This conservative atmosphere also spills over to Italy with the founding of the Jesuit, the Italian Inquisition and the Index of Forbidden Books. Cultural life becomes more regressive, marking the end of the Italian Renaissance and the beginning of the Baroque, reflecting the taste of a more Spanish Italy. • 0:00 Start • 0:48 Reactions • 1:30 Clement VII • 3:23 Paul III • 5:03 Italy • 6:16 Conclusion • #SackOfRome1527 #SaccoDiRoma #ClementVII


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