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week 1 video • Connect me over • linkedin: / rakesh-kumar73 • Twitter: https://x.com/raka7317 • Notes link: https://quickest-juniper-f9c.notion.s... • Welcome to my journey through Week 1 of Cohort 2! In this video, I dive deep into the foundational concepts of programming, focusing on JavaScript and the core topics every developer needs to know. Here's a breakdown of what we'll cover: • Compiled vs Interpreted Languages - Understanding the differences. • let, var, const - Scope and usage in JavaScript. • Data Types - Primitive and complex data types explained. • Operators - Arithmetic, comparison, logic, and more. • Functions - Defining, invoking, and the importance of functions. • if/else Statements - Conditional logic in your code. • Loops - for, while, and other loop structures. • map, filter, find, sort - Working with arrays and their methods. • Callbacks - Understanding how and why they are used. • Complex Types - Objects, arrays of objects, and nested objects. • JavaScript Properties - Key properties that define how JS works. • Async/Await - Handling asynchronous operations with ease. • If you're on your own learning journey or just need a refresher, this video is for you! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content like this. Let's code together! • harkirat singh,harkirat singh course review,harkirat singh cohort review,harkirat singh new course review,harkirat singh full stack 0-100 cohort,harkirat singh iit roorkee,harkirat singh open source,harkirat singh kunal kushwaha,100xdev cohort, cohort 2,0-100 cohort,tanish garg course reviews,100xdevs course review,harkiratsingh,coding interview,how to learn programming for beginners,harkirat singh cohort3,harkirat singh cohort2, Track hustle • #JavaScript #Programming #Cohort2 #Week1 #CodingJourney #WebDevelopment #AsyncAwait #Functions #Loops #MapFilterFindSort #DataTypes #Callback #letvarconst #IfElse #Operators