The Sailors Hornpipe Scottish Highland Dancing
The Sailor’s Hornpipe requires strength and stamina to mimic in dance a variety of shipboard tasks including swabbing the deck, climbing the ship’s rigging, standing watch and hauling in rope. The Hornpipe is danced in a British sailor’s uniform and derived its name from the fact that usually the musical accompaniment was played on a hornpipe rather than bagpipes. • Highland Dancing is a long tradition and an integral part of any highland games because it is both an art and a sport that provides young people with the opportunity to build self-confidence, discipline, perseverance and athletic ability. Throughout history clansmen used Highland Dance as a form of physical training for their fighting men. It is said that Kings and Chiefs of Scotland used the dancing as a way of choosing men because it not only tested them on strength, but also stamina, agility and accuracy. This tradition continued on in modern times with Highland Regiments to keep the troops in shape and ready for battle. •