DERAMAXX® deracoxib Before and After Videos


We're back! If you haven't seen my first DECA advice video, click on the link right here    • Top 10 Tips for DECA Roleplays! | Tip...   • Upon popular request, I will be sharing my top 10 tips for DECA written events! I have done 3 of these in the past (SEOR, SBE (school store certification), and CMP) and have gone to ICDC with all of them! I am excited to share the wealth of knowledge I've learned from my high school advisors and my own time as a member! • ♡ FOLLOW THE GRAM ♡ •   / juliawezio   • ♡ MUSIC♡ • • ♡ LIKE THIS VIDEO? ♡ • Subscribe on Youtube: • Website: • ♡ Who Am I? ♡ • Hey Lovelies, I'm Julia! I'm a college sophomore at the University of Texas at Austin with a passion for inspiring and helping other college students pursue their dreams with positivity! As a business owner and a full-time college student, it’s always been my goal to help others succeed and find confidence within themselves. In my free time, I love to vlog the more exciting days in my life and capture the amazing world that surrounds us. I post videos every Friday once a week (but surprise uploads DO happen), so be sure to hit the sub and notification button if you want to keep up! Follow my life on Instagram too @JuliaWezio and I'll see you Lovelies in my next video. BYE! • ♡ SAY HEY ♡ • Instagram:   / juliawezio   • Twitter:   / tgiyoutube   • Pinterest:   / tgiyoutube   • Vlogs: • ♡ SHOOT ME AN EMAIL ♡ • [email protected] • ❁ DORMCO ❁ • Check out DormCoVideo on YouTube to watch my Campus Life College/Dorm advice series! This is a really fun and informative series for any of y’all going to college for the first time or coming back to a new semester and I am so grateful for DormCo teaming up with me on this big project! • ❁ FEMME FETE FASHIONS ❁ • Get 15% off your next order of gameday essentials from stadium-ready purses to team-colored scarves with my code, JULIA15 • ❁ NEED A CLEAN DORM AT UT? ❁ • Use TGI20 for your first call at CleanEm for a 20% discount on your dorm/apartment cleaning! • • ❁ MY FAVORITE PLANNER ❁ •


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