Calculate Total Weeks Between Two Dates Excel 2013
You're now 34 weeks pregnant! Once your baby is full term (in just 3 weeks time) they could in theory arrive at any moment. It's about around this time that you will go on maternity leave and will start talking seriously to your midwife about what kind of labour you want to have. From delivery types to pain relief, there's a lot to research and learn about. In this official video, Charlotte talks you through some of this and also introduces mums who are 34 weeks pregnant so you can hear from them just how they feel at this stage of their pregnancy. From annoying symptoms like heartburn and gum pain to emotions running high or simply feeling super thirsty there's a lot of variation. One thing is for sure though, at this point you're going to feel properly undeniably pregnant. • Find out more about being 34 weeks pregnant. Watch other vlogs from pregnant mums here: and read up on the symptoms you might expect to get here: • If you're ready to start thinking about your birth and want to hear birth stories from other mums then make sure you head here: • Are you 34 weeks pregnant? Tell us what kind of birth you're hoping to have in the comments below! • Taking part in this video is: • Jess Avey: • Charlotte Taylor: • Sarah This Mama Life: • SJ Ljungstrom • Corrine and Matt: • -- • This video and all videos in this series have been viewed and approved by a qualified midwife in April 2017. Always consult your midwife or GP if you have any concerns. • Production music from • Thanks to our friends at Window to the Womb for supplying the scan footage • Don't miss a thing - hit that button and subscribe to Channel Mum today / channelmum • Channel Mum is the UK's first YouTube community for mums. We bring together the best of YouTube mum talent to reveal the honest face of parenting. • Channel Mum partners with talented creators and vloggers who make fresh, relevant and honest video content and help mums to find and grow their vlogging voice on YouTube. • Add your Channel: • Website: • Twitter: / channelmum • Facebook: / channelmum • Instagram: / channelmum • *Disclaimer: The information in this video was correct at the time of publication. Always check with your health professional first. Channel Mum full terms and conditions apply: