Time lapse bosphorus romeli quot Rumelihisarından hızlandırılmış Boğaz quot
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Rumelihisarı (also known as Rumelian Fortress and Roumeli Hissar Fortress) or Boğazkesen Fortress (literally 'strait-cutter fortress') is a medieval Ottoman fortress located in Istanbul, Turkey, on a series of hills on the European banks of the Bosphorus. The fortress also lends its name to the immediate neighborhood around it in the city's Sarıyer district. • Rumelihisarı (ayrıca Rumeli Hisarı ve Rumeli Hisarı Hisarı olarak da bilinir) veya Boğazkesen Kalesi (kelimenin tam anlamıyla 'boğaz kesici kale'), İstanbul, Türkiye'de, Boğaz'ın Avrupa kıyılarındaki bir dizi tepe üzerinde bulunan bir ortaçağ Osmanlı kalesidir. Kale ayrıca, şehrin Sarıyer semtindeki yakın mahalleye de adını verir. • Румелихисары (также известная как Румелийская крепость и Крепость Румели-Хиссар) или Крепость Богазкесен (дословно «крепость, прорезающая пролив») — средневековая османская крепость, расположенная в Стамбуле, Турция, на холмах на европейских берегах Босфора. Крепость также дала свое название ближайшему соседству в районе Сарыер города. • Rumelihisarı (también conocida como fortaleza de Rumelia y fortaleza de Roumeli Hissar) o fortaleza de Boğazkesen (literalmente, fortaleza que corta el estrecho ) es una fortaleza otomana medieval ubicada en Estambul, Turquía, sobre una serie de colinas en las orillas europeas del Bósforo. La fortaleza también presta su nombre al vecindario inmediato que la rodea en el distrito de Sarıyer de la ciudad. • Rumelihisarı (auch bekannt als Rumelische Festung und Roumeli Hissar-Festung) oder Boğazkesen-Festung (wörtlich „Festung der Meerenge“) ist eine mittelalterliche osmanische Festung in Istanbul, Türkei, auf einer Reihe von Hügeln am europäischen Ufer des Bosporus. Die Festung gibt auch der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft im Stadtteil Sarıyer ihren Namen. • La forteresse de Rumelihisarı (également connue sous le nom de forteresse de Roumélie et forteresse de Roumeli Hissar) ou forteresse de Boğazkesen (littéralement « forteresse coupe-détroit ») est une forteresse ottomane médiévale située à Istanbul, en Turquie, sur une série de collines sur les rives européennes du Bosphore. La forteresse prête également son nom au quartier immédiat qui l'entoure dans le quartier de Sarıyer de la ville. • Rumelihisarı (conosciuta anche come Fortezza Rumelian e Fortezza Roumeli Hissar) o Fortezza Boğazkesen (letteralmente fortezza taglia-stretto ) è una fortezza medievale ottomana situata a Istanbul, in Turchia, su una serie di colline sulle rive europee del Bosforo. La fortezza presta anche il nome al quartiere circostante nel distretto Sarıyer della città. • Good way for everyone • On Good way channel, you will see videos of festivals and sightseeing and entertainment centers of Istanbul and Turkish people and tourist centers. • Istanbul, the largest city in Türkiye, as a cultural and economic center, hosts many festivals. Strategically located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Istanbul is a mesmerizing metropolis on the banks of the Bosphorus. The ancient heart of the city, known as the Old City, bears indelible marks of the diverse cultural heritage left by the numerous empires that have dominated its rich history. • #istanbul #turkey #walking_tour #good_way #tourist #recreaction #funny • #rumelihisarı #timelapse #bosphorus #bosphorusbridge • Good way kanalında İstanbul'un festivalleri, gezi ve eğlence merkezleri ve Türk halkının ve turizm merkezlerinin videolarını göreceksiniz.