The Collision of the Four Cs
Four interwoven challenges: climate, COVID-19, conflict, and cost have disrupted agrifood supply chains and led to skyrocketing costs for farm inputs, all set amongst fears for global food security and the transition to a decarbonised economy. • A panel of experts at evokeAG 2023 in Adelaide told the audience that technology is central in tackling these challenges – creating resilient supply chains and in helping us make food production more sustainable but also in demonstrating sustainability credentials. It came with a caveat: technology needs to be fit for purpose, farmers can’t assume that consumers will pay more, and we need to encourage on-farm adoption. • Read more: • This session was facilitated by Tim Hunt, Tim Hunt Consulting and featured panellists with Alasdair MacLeod, Executive Chairman of the Macdoch Group, Jack Jacobs, Yindyamarra Research Fellow at Charles Sturt University, Mary Shelman, Founder of the Shelman Group, and Sam Trethewey, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Tasmanian Agricultural Company. • evokeAG. 2023 examined how global agrifood innovation and tech intersect to drive change for our food, farmers, and the natural resources which sustain them. • Save the date for evokeAG. 2024 on 20-21 February 2024 in Perth, Western Australia.