Expert Explains Hirving Chucky Lozano Injury Head At Hospital
Football (soccer) injury expert Dr. Raj, DPT details Mexico and Napoli winger Hirving Chucky Lozano Injury (head trauma) that he suffered vs Trinidad Tobago when he fell and hit the keeper’s knee. I explain the next steps in his assessment and the major injury possibilities the medical staff will be looking to rule in or out | Expert Explains Hirving Chucky Lozano Injury (Head) | At Hospital | Football (soccer) injury analysis • For reference, I’m a DPT (Doctor of Physio), sports scientist, researcher, youth football (soccer) coach, mindfulness enthusiast and owner of 3CB Performance —providing sports medicine, performance, and mindfulness services online and in-person at clinics in West LA and Valencia, CA. • Feel free to hit me with questions and/or you can always find me on my website or follow on social media: • Website: • Twitter: / 3cbperformance • Instagram: / 3cbperformance • Here’s a table of contents: • 0:00 What happened • 0:17 Next Steps • 0:39 Will Update Accordingly • 0:45 Outro • Script: • Hey, it’s Raj from 3CB. • Mexico and Napoli winger Hirving “Chucky” Lozano suffered a head injury during the team’s first Copa De Oro group match vs Trinidad Tobago, with the keeper’s knee making sharp contact with Lozano’s head. • The player was stretchered off correctly under spinal precautions, looked to be moving his hands, and was taken to the hospital. • The next steps here for Lozano will be a full medical and neurological work-up to rule in or out a concussion (aka mild traumatic brain injury), muscular injuries to the neck and shoulder, skull and/or facial fractures, and intracranial hematomas (ICH) aka blood clots in or around the brain which are classified by their location and can range from mild to potentially life-threatening. • A scary injury and I’ll keep you updated as we learn more.