Marijuana Mental Illness and Violence A Conversation with Alex Berenson
On February 28, Hudson Institute hosted Alex Berenson for a discussion of his latest book, Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence. Berenson discussed what he learned and the reaction to his research with Hudson’s Chief Operating Officer and Senior Fellow John Walters, who served as director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy during both terms of President George W. Bush’s administration. • • Berenson has ignited a new national debate over the dangers of marijuana use and raised questions about the consequences surrounding the growing trend of marijuana legalization and commercialization. His carefully researched book traces medical warnings going back to 100 A.D., as well as more contemporary research on the links between marijuana use, serious mental illness, and violence. Berenson reveals that ignorance and denial of the research about the dangers of marijuana use present a serious threat to Americans as the drug becomes more pervasive. • Captured Live on Ustream at