Support Our Channel :   / periscopefilm   • This historic film was made in the wake of the disastrous air attack and fire aboard the aircraft carrier USS Franklin (CV-13) in 1945, specifically to provide ship architects insight into the structural damage endured by the ship during the incident. According to a truncated card at the head of the film, this forensic examination of the damage was made in hopes that future carriers might be made more resistant to damage. The Franklin faced a devastating attack on March 19, 1945, while preparing for strikes against Japanese targets. After completing repairs from previous damages, the carrier rejoined its task force but was hit by two bombs from an enemy plane, causing heavy explosions, fires, and significant damage to the ship. The crew valiantly fought to control the fires and manage the destruction, but the damage was extensive. Despite losing all power and facing continuous detonations, the crew's efforts, along with support from cruisers and destroyers, eventually brought the situation under control. The holocaust experienced by Franklin was the worst endured by any U.S. carrier in WWII, but the ship ultimately prevailed thanks to the bravery and resilience of its crew. • 0:00 - Introduction. 0:50 - USS Franklin (CV-13) commissioned in January 1944, first enemy action in July 1944. 1:00 - Sustained minor damage in October, extensive damage on October 30 from a suicide plane crash. 1:15 - Completed repairs at Puget Sound and rejoined carrier task group at Ulithi. 1:24 - Ulithi as an advanced staging base for warships. 1:41 - Preparation for strikes against targets on the Japanese islands. 1:50 - Task force proceeded toward its objective on March 15. 1:58 - Task force less than 100 miles off the coast of Honshu on March 19. 2:08 - Pre-dawn fighter sweep completed at 05:57. 2:12 - Status of Franklin's planes and armament. 3:01 - Condition Three and Material Condition Yoke set on Franklin. 3:38 - Overcast sky with occasional breaks and good visibility. 3:49 - USS Hancock reported sighting a twin-engine enemy plane at 06:49. 4:19 - Enemy plane attack at 07:08, dropping two bombs on Franklin. 5:00 - Heavy vapor explosion followed by heavy explosions over five hours. 5:27 - Small caliber ammunition and rockets detonated. 6:10 - Firefighting water pressure failed on many lines due to broken risers. 6:37 - Heavy explosions continued in the after part of the ship. 6:57 - Dense smoke forced evacuation of all engineering spaces. 7:08 - Firefighters moved aft as the fire forward subsided. 7:17 - All power lost, gasoline mains broken. 8:05 - Cruisers and destroyers played hose streams on the fire. 8:12 - Ship assumed a starboard list as firefighting water accumulated. 8:54 - Franklin taken in tow by a heavy cruiser at 14:00. 9:02 - Boilers lit off, main engines turned over to assist the tow. 9:24 - All 33 planes on the flight deck destroyed, forward elevator platform blown upward. 9:41 - Ship's company began cleaning up the wreckage before the fires were fully out. 10:08 - Jeeps were invaluable in clearing wreckage. 10:11 - Deck edge elevator ramp was the most convenient place to jettison wreckage. 10:39 - Hole at frame 145 was about 6x6 feet, second and third decks ruptured.10:59 - Air intake ducts within the uptake space ruptured, allowing water to drain into forward boilers. 11:13 - Detonation of the first bomb blew a hole in the hanger deck. 11:39 - Unarmored section of the hanger deck had a large hole at frame 166. 11:53 - One Tiny Tim rocket failed to detonate. 12:30 - Boiler air intake ducts and after bomb elevator trunk extensively damaged. 12:48 - Stiffeners on the armored bulkheads deflected, but SPs defeated fragment attack. 13:01 - Gallery walkways and structures wrecked by blast and fire. 13:17 - Bombs dropped from the flight deck demolished the gallery deck structure. 13:45 - Flight deck practically demolished at the after elevator, only debris and engines remained of planes.14:35 - Planes on the flight deck bounced around after explosions, some blown clear, some dropped to the hanger. 15:00 - Flight deck vent and expansion joint deflected up and sagged downward from heat. Large hole in the deck resulted from bomb detonations and heat. 15:29 - Damage to the flight deck negligible forward to frame 80. Island structure damage not severe. 15:55 - STS plating effectively defeated fragment attack. Top mast and main mast broken at radar platform level. 16:33 - The holocaust experienced by Franklin was the worst survived by any U.S. carrier in WWII. 16:41 - Most important material factor in Franklin's survival was the armored hanger deck acting as a shield. • This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit


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