HRT After Breast Cancer Moving Forward Without Robust Data


The second episode in the HRT after breast cancer series features oncologist Prof. Richard Simcock who will discuss potential pathways for using HRT after breast cancer despite the lack of robust data. • Prof. Simcock is a consultant clinical oncologist at University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, where he provides clinical care to people with breast cancer. He is also the consultant medical adviser for our friends at the charity Macmillan Cancer Support and an Honorary Professor at Brighton and Sussex Medical Schools. • This mini-series explores hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after breast cancer, a controversial and emotive subject. The conversation focuses on the further understanding of risks and benefits of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or also MHT (menopause hormone therapy), the emotional impact on patients, and the different views among medical professionals. • The goal is to provide understanding for patients seeking HRT after breast cancer and insight for doctors on how to move forward without robust evidence. Dani Binnington, host of the Menopause And Cancer podcast, and founder of the not-for-profit organisation Menopause And Cancer has spoken to hundreds of women who feel like they are in a void and have nowhere to turn to in discussing this difficult topic. • Welcome to our HRT after breast cancer series. • • In this episode we discuss: • Why limited data and the changing landscape of breast cancer treatment make it challenging to provide definitive answers about HRT after breast cancer. • How could we move forward without robust data? • The challenges doctors face in prescribing HRT after breast cancer. • How the establishing of a registry could provide doctors with confidence in prescribing HRT and contribute to the global sum of knowledge on the topic. • Understanding and quantifying risk is crucial in the HRT conversation, and patient decision aids can help visualise the potential benefits and risks. • Empowering patients with information and involving them in shared decision-making can help them make informed choices about their treatment options. • Advancements in breast cancer treatment, such as selective estrogen receptor degraders, offer hope for future options with fewer side effects. • Episode Highlights: • 00:00 Intro. • 06:22 Empower patients to understand and manage treatments. • 13:36 Risk is a complex and multifaceted issue. • 19:20 Understanding benefits and risks, patient-doctor relationship. • 24:37 Health professionals collaborate for consensus on best practices. • 31:59 New drugs to manage hot flushes effectively. • Connect with us: • For more information and resources visit our website: • Or follow us on Instagram @menopause_and_cancer • Join our Facebook group: • The walking challenge I mention is here for you: https://move-with-menopause-and-cance...


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