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In this video I will show you , • Everything About Denison Barb | Roseline Shark Care Guide • 1. Origin • The Denison Barb was originally reported in 1865 and can only be found in four places in India's Weston Ghats: • The Achankovil River, Cheenkannipuzha (a significant tributary of the Valapattanam River), Mundakayam town, and the Chaliyar River. • Commercial fish breeding programmes have since been established in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia, and wild-catch of the Roseline Shark is now strictly prohibited. • 2.Habit • Roseline Sharks live in big shoals in clear, well-oxygenated streams, rivers, and pools. • These places have a stony, thickly vegetated environment with a high flow rate. • 3. Body Coloration • Denison barbs are torpedo-shaped fish with a long body. The body is silvery with a black line that extends from snout to tail. • A brilliant red line runs from the fish's snout, through the eye, and along the body to the midway, in contrast to the black line. • The caudal fin bears vivid yellow and black stripes, while the dorsal fin is bordered with beautiful red. • 4.Body Size and Lifespan • Roseline Sharks grow to be about 6 inches long when fully mature. • Roseline Sharks can live for up to five years in captivity if fed a high-quality diet and kept in clean water. • 5.Temperament • Denison barbs are generally peacefu fish.they are extremely active, darting around the tank in a beautiful, sparkling school. • 6. Tank Size • They should be kept in groups of at least a half-dozen in schools and they are powerful, active swimmers that need plenty of space. • As a result, they are best kept only in large tanks of at least 55 gallons. • 7. Water Condition • Roseline sharks are tropical fish that prefer water temperatures of 60 to 77 °F and pH in the range of 6.6 to 7.8, with a water hardness of 5 to 25 dKH.. • They require a fast flow, well-oxygenated water supply. We recommend using an external canister filter and a powerhead to keep the tank's water clean. • 8.Diet • Denison barbs are omnivores and eat a wide variety of foods. They will accept good quality flake food,live or frozen Bloodworms, daphnia, cyclops, and shrimp • Algae, spirulina, and even fresh vegetables will also be easily accepted. • 9. Tank mates • Denison barbs are generally peaceful fish.They aren't fin-nippers, however they should be kept with species that are comparable in size or bigger. • You can put them with • Dwarf gourani • Large tetra species • coridoras catfish • Barb Family • Giant Danio • Tiger barb • Rainbow fish • etc... • 10.Gender Differences • If is quite difficult to identify the sex of these fish. Adult females are little bit larger, have a thicker bodies and less colourful than males. • For Subscribe To My Channel click on this link below, • / @aquaplanets • I hope you enjoy this video and don't forget to subscribe for more videos... • Thank you for watching...