Niveaux dorganisation en écologie


Title: exploring the different levels of organisation in ecology (organism, population, guild, settlement, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere) • like and subscribe:    / @ecologiewithyasmine7548   • Facebook:   / ecologiewithyasmine   • Instagram:   / ecologie_with_yasmine   • In this video we will explore the different levels of organisation in ecology • this journey begins in space, on planet earth, which is considered the biosphere of life, • The term biosphere is a planetary system including all living organisms and the environment where they live (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere) • i.e. all the places where life exists, • Let's dive a little deeper into the earth and see the biomes • also called ecoregion, ecozone, macro-ecosystem • biome is a set of ecosystems characteristic of a biogeographic area • therefore it is a large region of the earth characterised by a specific climate and a certain type of living being (animals and plants) with similar characteristics each biome is named by the species that predominate and the distribution depends on the climatic conditions • The overall number of biomes varies according to the precision of the criteria chosen. • Some will divide the surface of the continents into the 8 major biomes: • Tundra, Taiga (boreal forest), Temperate Forest, Tropical Forest, Savannah, Tropical Savannah and Desert. These are all terrestrial biomes, but there are also aquatic biomes, such as freshwater biomes and marine biomes • in the next part of this journey we will look at ecosystems, what comes to mind with the term ecosystem is just plants or animals, well this term encompasses much more than that, ecosystem is a more or less stable system made up of biocenosis (living being) and biotope (environment where they live) and which interact with each other. There are different types of ecosystems: macro-ecosystems, also called biomes (e.g. oceans, savannahs, deserts, etc.), meso-ecosystems (e.g. forests and grasslands), and micro-ecosystems, which are small (e.g. a tree stump) • each ecosystem is filled with a unique biological community • the community also called biocenosis is a set of populations (plant, animal, microbial) that live in the same environment at the same time and under certain conditions • There is also what is called a settlement, also called a biocenosis • It is also a group of populations but belonging to the same kingdom • to the same kingdom (animal or plant) • Same taxonomic level (e.g. higher or lower plant) • Same trophic level of the food chain • e.g. a stand of insectivorous birds, • or a stand of trees in a tropical forest • there is also the notion of a guild or sub-population • which are of the same kingdom or neighbouring genus, same habitat, share the same resources • let's continue our exploration • within a community, we can observe the population • a population is a set of individuals of the same species • and in the same geographical area • For example the population of small rabbits • our next level is organisms • organisms are living beings (individuals) • each rabbit in our previous example is an organism (individual) • and here we are at the end of our magnificent adventure • which is rich in information, that I hope you have enjoyed and that it has clarified things for you • see you next time in a new video in ecology. see you soon


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