5772 KJVOB KJVO Trash their own KJV make it a HOAX
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Comment here: http://vimeo.com/brainout/kjvotrash • Watch fullscreen. If I quoted a book I knew didn't exist, I'd be a liar, right? Well, KJVO claims LXX (Greek OT) didn't exist in Jesus' day, yet Jesus often quotes from it! KJV's own Textus Receptus, confirms! • Yet KJVO leader Sam Gipp, says LXX is a hoax: http://www.pbministries.org/Theology/... • Gipp claims Origen invented LXX in 3rd cent. AD. Oh, did Origen also edit ALL copies of Philo, Josephus, Talmud, 1st-cent prior Jewish apocrypha which use that same LXX, which Jews created from the Hebrew OT circa 273BC?! Did Origen also time-travel back to Jamnia in 1st century, when rabbis elected to return to Hebrew and stop using LXX?! • Funny, the KJV Translators validated the LXX, so I guess our anti-semites Gipp and Ruckman, never read the 1611 KJV Preface by the Translators! But you can, here: http://www.ccel.org/bible/kjv/preface... . My exerpts of it, with commentary: http://www.brainout.net/KJVPrefaceExe... . • Contrasting Truth: since Commodus, the West rejected Real Bible. Instead, the Old Latin was touted as 'inspired': same claim as KJVO's. Back then, Augustine was against 'new' translations. http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/1102... shows his letters to Jerome, whose replies are here: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3001... • Hebrew Greek Real Bible was persecuted by anti-semites like Diocletian Constantine. So folks having Real Bible, left Rome. So Jerome went to Bethlehem, to GET mss. • RCC rose to power partly based on a claim its translation was 'inspired'. For if a translation can be inspired, so too pope clergy. • Thus Bible's Jewish-inspired origin, is denied. Satan persecutes Bible in cycles: 300 AD (Old Latin**), 600AD (Koran), 700AD+ (Vulgate **). When interest in Bible's mss declines, Jews suffer. *** • === • ** *** Chap 1, pp. 21-28 Christopher DeHamel's 'The Book. A History of the Bible', Phaidon Press Ltd. • Chapter 2, op.cit. • **** op. cit., +'Atlas of Bible and Christianity' edited by Tim Dowley • === • KJVO movement thus repeats another pogrom. Bible's Greek (though not media) of 'Alexandrian ' mss were of 1st-century prior Jewish origin, too. So KJVO cannot read LXX, to know its Greek is 6 centuries prior to Origen's. We have a lot of extra-Biblical Greek text writing from 500BC, on. We know how it changed. • Next, to disable your ability to LEARN those texts, Bible compilers lexicographers are slandered by a woman 'degreed' in home economics, who doesn't even know 'Lucifer' means 'morning star' in Latin, yet pretends to be a 'scholar', slanders for profit: https://shop.avpublications.com/produ... • KJVO also pretend to read Bible Hebrew, Greek. Yet ask them to translate. They can't! So how can they know if KJV is ok? They can't! • And KJV is not ok, as no translation can be. Just Google on 'KJV mistranslation'. Read the original KJV translators' own caveats, here: http://www.ccel.org/bible/kjv/preface... • In sum: Since NT quotes an allegedly-fake LXX over 1000 times -- is it a lie? Lord quotes LXX on His Birth Day, over 100 times, pan-Gospel. So does the Lord lie? Or are KJVO, liars? • KJV Exodus 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. • KJV Exodus 23:1 Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. • KJV Matthew 19:18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, 'Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness', • LXX Greek of Exo 20:16 -- ou pseudomartureseis • Textus Receptus Matt 19:18 -- same two last words as in the LXX. • What will the Lord say to KJVO on Judgment Day? • === • TechNotes: TR in video is 1894 Scrivener, an updated version of Beza's TR from 1598. • LXX used in video is Alfred Rahlf's, from BibleWorks 5. • Download this video for clearer Greek viewing: http://www.brainout.net/KJVOTrash.wmv • Google on 'LXX fragments' to see text samples. Start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Septuagint . Here is a list of provable pre-Origen LXX mss : http://kjvonlydebate.com/2010/06/02/a... • Download my original video, here: http://www.brainout.net/KJVOTrash.wmv . See comments for jpgs of the Greek text.