How to Write the Chemical Formula for Chromate ion
In this video we'll write the correct formula for Chromate ion (CrO4 2-). To write the formula for Chromate ion we must first recognize that it is a polyatomic ion. One clue is that it ends in -ate. • To be able to write the formula for the Chromate ion you either have to memorize that it is CrO4 2- or be able to look it up on a table of polyatomic ions. There are several polyatomic ions listed in the video, in addition to the Chromate ion, you should memorize. This will help you work more quickly on homework and exams. • ---Learning Resources-- • • Memorizing Polyatomic Ions: • Memorizing and Using the List of Poly... • Finding Ionic Charge for Elements: • Finding the Ionic Charge for Elements... • • Charge for Transition Metal Ions: • How to Find the Ionic Charge for Tran... • • List of Polyatomic Ions: • For a complete tutorial on naming and formula writing for compounds, like Chromate ion and more, visit: • • Drawing/writing done in InkScape ( Screen capture done with Camtasia Studio 8.0