A Look at VirtManager KVMQEMU GUI
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In this episode of the CyberGizmo we explore the graphical user interface for QEMU/KVM. I am moving off Open VirtualBox, it is just getting slower and slower for me. Gnome Boxes is a quick fast way to create VM, but lacks the options I think I will need going down the road to replace VirtualBox. • I say in this video that AMD invented virtualization support in hardware that is true, but most people credit IBM with the first operating system to support Virtualization. And even this isn't completely true. Atlas was the first to support virtual memory (without which virtualization would have never been possible) • The Burroughs B5500 had rudimentary virtual segmentation in its early MCP (a very primitive form of virtualization way back in the mid 1960's almost 10 years before IBM invented OS/VS1 • Finally the Intel 80286 had a form of software emulated virtualization that was slow, terrible and clunky • Intel did not really support hardware assisted virtualization until the Hazwell series of chips. • Follow me: • Twitter @djware55 • Facebook: / don.ware.7758 • • Music Used in this video • NonStop Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) • Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License