World Hand Hygiene Day 2024 shankaracancerhospitals
On May 5th annually, we observe 'World Hand Hygiene Day' to promote awareness regarding proper hand hygiene methods aimed at preventing infections. This year's theme, 'Power of Hand Hygiene,' emphasises the significance of implementing correct hand hygiene practices, when and where to utilise them so as to curb the spread of infections. Let's familiarise ourselves with the correct hand hygiene practices and appropriate handwashing techniques to control and prevent the spread of infections and be responsible citizens. • • Watch the video and share it with your family and friends to raise awareness! • Comment down below the correct steps of handwashing after watching the entire video. • Thank you! • . • . • . • . • . • . • #worldhandhygieneday #worldhandhygieneday2024 #hygiene #world #2024 #awarenessday #awareness #prevention #control #infection #infectioncontrol #theme #trending #bangalore #karnataka #citizen #resposiblecitizen