REGENERATION:- It is the ability to form missing parts. • Regeneration is helpful in multiplication of some animals like Hydra and Planaria • If they are broken or cut into pieces each pieces regenerates to develop as an adult • SPORE FORMATION:- In this process a resting cell gets protected by a thick coat that prevents the cell from the unfavourable conditions like high temperature, drought, high acidity etc. e.g. spores of bacteria like clostridium and bacillus etc. • PLASMOTOMY:- It is the division of a • multinucleate protozoan into several small, multinucleate daughters without nuclear division (Karyokinesis) the daughters grow and regain the normal number of nucleus by nuclear division. • It takes place in Opalina and Pelomyxa amoeba • The main difference between spore formation and plasmotomy is that spore formation involves the production of spores in a sac that bursts to release the spores, while plasmotomy is a process where multinucleated cells divide into daughter cells without mitosis • VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION:- When a part of the plant - stem, root or leaf gets detached and develops into an independent individual, the process is referred to as vegetative propagation as explained under. • VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION BY STEM:- • In some plants, the stems can efficiently give rise to new plants, • E.g. in mint or chrysanthemum, sub aerial stems develop as lateral branches from the parent plant which gets transferred into new plants. • E.g. rhizome of banana, tuber of potato and corn of saffron etc. • VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION BY ROOTS:- In some plants like sweet potato, dahlia, adventitious roots become thick and sworn due to the shortage of food. These bear adventitious buds, which develop many leafy shoots called as slips. • VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION BY LEAVES • In this type of asexual reproduction new plants grow from the buds on the leaves of certain plants. • Example plants like Begonia and Bryophyllum show this type of reproduction also known as the mother of thousands plants • These plants also use as ornaments in house • GRAFTING:- In this process of vegetative propagation, a detached twig having several buds is planted or inserted into the stem or root of another plant to grow an individual plant of the same kind. • LAYERING:- Layering means development of roots on a stem, which is attached to the parent plant. • This process is commonly practiced in Magnolia, Jasmine, rose. • CUTTING:- It is the most common method of the vegetative propagation. • In this method a piece of stem having few nodes and internodes is taken from the parent plant and planted in the moist soil. • TISSUE CULTURE:- It is a modern method of vegetative propagation in which a small tissue is taken from a plant and is allowed to grow in a medium containing all the essential nutrients required for the proper growth of the plant. • BENEFITS OF VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION • Plants can bear flowers, fruits earlier than those produced from seeds. • Genetical similarities with parents are maintained in the plants. • Helps in growing seedless fruits. • Cheaper and easier method of growing plants. • #10science #10thboard #education #biology #reproduction #reproductivehealth