Top 8 Best OvertheEar HEADPHONES Not Earphones UNDER ₹1000 🎧🎧🎧 Wired amp Wireless


Read our full headphone comparison article here: • • Read our Three Pairs of Headphones Everyone Needs article here: • Chat with us online: | Call for sales and support: 888.899.8776 • When shopping for a new pair of headphones, there are three main categories to choose from — each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The three main categories are in-ear, on-ear, and over-the-ear headphones. In this video we are going to talk about the different features and use-cases for each type of headphone and why a serious music lover would consider owning one of each. • First, we’re going to go over the biggest differences for each headphone-style, and then we’ll dive into why each one is a must-have for any serious music lover. Sometimes called earphones or “earbuds”, in-ear headphones are perhaps the most common type of headphone, today. Due to their small size, in-ear headphones rate the highest when it comes to portability. Most in-ear headphones fit just inside the opening of your ear canal, which creates one the best sealing conditions you can get. • On-ear headphones are up next. This type of headphone sits directly against or on top of your ears. While they don’t really have any unique advantages over in-ear or over-the-ear headphones, they are more about balancing your needs and finding a happy medium between portability and sound quality. The earcups are smaller than you will find on over-ear headphones. Many even fold up for easy transport — and some of these will also come with a nice case that protects them when you throw them in your bag. On-ear headphones won’t typically get as hot as over-ears because air can circulate through them easier — however, this can be a downside when considering their lack of noise isolation. While over-ear headphones are typically regarded as the most comfortable option, on-ear styles will be a big improvement over the in-ear style. • Finally, we have the over-the-ear headphone style. If you ask any typical audio enthusiast about their favorite pair of headphones, their answer will likely be a pair of over-the-ear headphones. This style is meant to be worn mostly at home or at work — not on-the-go as much — but most of the best-sounding and the most comfortable headphones are this over-the-ear style. Audeze is a good example of a brand that specializes in this larger style simply because the larger size allows the headphone to present the best sound quality possible. While some over-ear headphones can be folded up — and may even come with a travel case — portability is sometimes not their strong suit. The oversized ear cups on this style covers your ear entirely, so you don’t have to worry about your ears getting sore. Some of the higher-end over-ear headphones can get pretty heavy, however, so be sure to look for a pair that has good padding on the headband and comfortable pads on the earcups. Because they have the largest drivers, the higher-end over-ear headphones can usually reproduce the widest range of frequencies — from silky smooth highs — to tight, deep bass. From a sound perspective, all of the very best headphones in the world are in fact the over-the-ear headphone style. Now, there is another factor to consider if you’re looking at a great pair of over-ears for use at home or at the office — and that’s open-back vs. closed-back. We won’t dive too deep into this here, but the main thing to keep in mind is that closed-back headphones provide much better isolation from outside noises from getting into your headset — and they do a much better job at keeping the music in your ears — and not out there for everyone else to hear. The Open-back style — because of the nature of its “open” design — does not do as well at isolating you from the outside world nor do they do as well at keeping the music where only you can hear it — but they do offer a much, much wider soundstage and a more open, airy feel to the sound that’s really similar to listening to a great pair speakers. • Read more product reviews on our website: • Follow us on Instagram: • Raleigh, North Carolina Location: • Charlotte, North Carolina Location:


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