How to Treat Fistula Naturally without Surgery with Homeopathy Dr Rohit Jain Explains


To consult Dr. Rohit Jain please call +91 9811292534 / +91 9354721879 or email [email protected] or click on the link • Quick Access Links • 00:00 - Anal fistula treatment with homeopathy • 00:31 - Self Intro • 00:40 - Allopathic treatment • 03:48 - Homeopathic treatment • 05:05 - Number of medicines • 06:27 - Name of medicines • 07:09 - Contact details • Dr Rohit Jain, gold medalist, senior homeopathic doctor practicing since 1997, explains how homeopathy treats anal fistula naturally without surgery. • This video has English subtitles or CC in EN. • Before we discuss homeopathy let us talk about conventional or allopathic treatment of anal fistula. • According to my clinical practice anal fistula usually starts as perianal abscess which is a big boil on your hips near the anus. At this moment it can be a perianal abscess only or a perianal abscess with fistula. In both the cases a conventional doctor usually prescribes antibiotics and painkillers. • This gives temporary relief to the patient but if the patient has anal fistula then the problem will come back soon. • If the patient is suffering from abscess only then I have seen that strong antibiotics suppress the abscess. This suppression of abscess leads to fistula. On the contrary, with homeopathy the abscess gets matured, pus discharges and wound heals without converting into anal fistula. • When the patient suffers from abscess again the allopathic doctor advices him I D (Incision and Drainage). This procedure usually does not help the patient and unhealthy pus discharge continues. This prompts the conventional doctor to get the MRI or CT scan done. This confirms the diagnosis of anal fistula and the doctor advices major surgery fistulectomy. • In fistulectomy the fistulous tract is cut and taken out of the body. • This surgery has many complications like urinary retention, bleeding, thrombosed hemorrhoids, stool impaction, loss of control of stool, anal stenosis, slow healing, adhesions and so on. But the frustrating thing is even after going through this major surgery the problem recurs in almost 80% of patients. • All these things lead the patient to think whether surgery is the only treatment for anal fistula. My answer is ‘No’. We can treat anal fistula with homeopathy without surgery. Most of the patients come to me after multiple surgeries and long sufferings. Our homeopathic remedies first control the infection which in turn reduces the frequency of abscess formation. Eventually the abscess formation stops. The symptoms like pain, itching and irritation gets better. • After that remedies heals the fistula tract by new tissue development. Gradually fistula opening closes. This is a long and slow process which takes time. How much time it takes varies from patient to patient. This also depends upon the length depth of fistula and patient’s sensitivity towards the remedies. It usually takes about 1 to 2 years to heal the fistula completely. One should be patient during the treatment so that complete and permanent cure can take place. • I have seen if fistula patients are suffering from IBD, crohn’s disease or diabetes then it the treatment becomes complicated and it takes more time to heal. • Dr Rohit also explains why he does not name medicines in his videos. To understand this better you can watch his following videos: • 1. What is Homeopathy? •    • What is Homeopathy? Dr Rohit Jain exp...   • 2. Side Effects of Homeopathy - Yes or No •    • Side Effects of Homeopathy? Yes or No...  


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