The Granadilla Growth Care and CulturePassiflora edulis


Day 14 of this lockdown pandemic. How you all doing psychologically? • Good, I hope? • So whilst moving only between the nursery and home and the weekly shop-run I have decided to do one on Passiflora edulis (say: Passie-Flora ed-you-liss) commonly known as the Granadilla. • The granadilla is one of the most popular tropical fruits(a berry) known. We may not always know it in its raw form but as a flavourant, it is used the world over in many deserts, beverages, sweets/candies, and so much more. Here is a detailed video about granadillas, growth care, culture, and harvesting. Very easily propagated from cutting this plant is a valuable source of food as the plant can produce huge amounts of fruit per day nevermind in the growing season. You can barter and trade with other growers or make preserves from the excess fruit for those moments your sweet tooth calls to you or as a snack for kids or food source for livestock if you're in a homestead set-up. Below are some recipes you can use. • Please let me know what you think about this episode, I know it is a little long but this plant has so much value I didn't want to miss anything. I will do a winter management video in a few months and then Spring care too. • I hope you all enjoy this one and stay safe out there, wherever you may be. • Some recipes and ideas with Granadillas • Preserved Passion Fruit pulp • • GRANADILLA (PASSION FRUIT) CURD • • Granadilla Jam • • Enjoy!


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