Learn Spanish – MUY or MUCHO

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=G2LsZFTz0ME

Learn Spanish: Muy or Mucho. I will teach you the difference between Muy and Mucho . You will learn some tricks and tips to know what the exact differences for these Spanish words are. I will also give you the theory about muy or mucho in Spanish so that you understand step by step how their difference makes sense. After watching this video, I am confident you will no longer make a mistake when using this Spanish adverb and adjective. Ahhhhh! Spanish adjective? Spanish adverb? From what planet do these terms come from, Ana? Well, watch this video and allow me to explain to you in a fast and easy way all the grammar behind the scenes of these two words. With Ana explaining this to you, you will finally stop pulling your hairs out and going bald. It is okay if you are bald by nature or shave your head to be bald ( estoy calvo ). But if you are becoming bald for not understanding these Spanish words, then it is bad, but fortunately I am here to help you get your hair back. • Gracias, Ana. Gracias a ti no me voy a quedar calvo o calva (Thanks to you, Ana, I will not be bald by force) • De nada. You are welcome. • Que tengas un lindo día. • One more thing: • If you like my lesson, and would like to donate because you want to help me with a coffee (I grab one before I record), with groceries (I need to eat healthier because people tell me I am getting fat, and eating better is more expensive), (for some reason people don´t like to learn Spanish with fat people, I don´t know how the weight of the instructor interferes with the learning!). You can help me with a book I want to buy about the history of Spanish that is $69.72 USD on Amazon (I know it is a lot but you can contribute to it) or for a metro ticket that takes me to the library where I prepare my lesson in the peaceful space of knowledge and wisdom ( Qué descansada vida la del que huye del mundanal ruido, ), or with a trip to go to Spain, or with a French course I want to take, or just donate some money so I can keep spending my time researching, writing, filming, editing, and posting lessons. • You can donate at: https://www.butterflyspanish.com/ • Or through PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/ButterflySpanish • Check out my new website and subscribe to my free Spanish learning newsletter at: https://www.butterflyspanish.com/ • WEBSITE: • https://www.butterflyspanish.com/ • Twitter: •   / ontheflyspanish   • Facebook: •   / butterflyspanish   • YouTube: •    / butterflyspanishola   • Watch other lessons I have made for you: • SPICY AND HOT, NOT HORNEY in Spanish!: •    • HOT in Spanish!   • LEARN SPANISH – POR OR PARA? •    • Learn Spanish – POR or PARA?   • 'GOOD' 'WELL' IN SPANISH: BUENO, BUEN, OR BIEN?: •    • 'Good'   'well' in Spanish: Bueno, bu...   • LEARN SPANISH - TÚ OR USTED?: •    • Learn Spanish - Tú or Usted?   • LEARN SPANISH – MUY OR MUCHO?: •    • Learn Spanish – MUY or MUCHO?   • LEARN HOW TO TALK ABOUT MINE YOURS IN SPANISH: •    • Learn how to talk about  mine     you...   • WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SPANISH IN MEXICO, LATIN AMERICA, AND SPAIN? •    • What's the difference between Spanish...   • LEARN SPANISH GRAMMAR: DOUBLE NEGATIVES IN SPANISH – NO, NADA, NIGUNO, NINGUNA, NADIE MORE: •    • Learn Spanish Grammar: Double Negativ...   • TOP 15 PHRASES WITH NO IN SPANISH: •    • Top 15 phrases with  NO  in Spanish   • • Es cadaver, es polvo, es sombra, es nada • SJIDLC


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