How to Pronounce Espagnole Sauce CORRECTLY


Listen and learn how to say Espagnole Sauce correctly with Julien, how do you pronounce free pronunciation audio/video tutorials. • What is Espagnole Sauce? Espagnole sauce is a basic brown sauce, and is one of Auguste Escoffier's five mother sauces of classic French cooking. Escoffier popularized the recipe, which is still followed today. • Espagnole has a strong taste, and is rarely used directly on food. As a mother sauce, it serves as the starting point for many derivatives, such as sauce africaine, sauce bigarade, sauce bourguignonne, sauce aux champignons, sauce charcutière, sauce chasseur, sauce chevreuil, and demi-glace. Hundreds of other derivatives are in the classical French repertoire. • Escoffier included a recipe for a Lenten espagnole sauce, using fish stock and mushrooms, in Le Guide culinaire, but doubted its necessity. • Source: • Learn how to say words in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and many other languages with Julien Miquel and his pronunciation tutorials! In the world of words and the diversity of accents and local dialects, some words can be extremely hard to pronounce. • Julien’s instructional and educational videos make pronunciation easier as I detail the correct pronunciation as native French speaker but also fluent speaker of French, English, Spanish and Italian. • -If you found this video helpful please like the video to support my work. • -If you would like help with any future pronunciations please be sure to subscribe! • -Thanks for Watching How To Pronounce with Julien and happy pronouncing. • #FrenchWithJulien


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