AK vs AR15
A little comparison, but mostly just some fun shooting two of the most popular military and civilian firearms available on the planet! I really like them both! • Note: This video gets a lot of antagonistic comments, as do most AK videos. My references to the Soviet Union and such are based on what was going on back in the 60's, 70's, even '80s. Through 30 or 40 years of my life, the Soviet Union was no place anybody I know wanted to live; in fact, it seemed that anybody who had a chance to do it was defecting to the United States, or even other countries. Guess they just didn't quite see it as Paradise. :-) I know things have changed there since then. • Since this topic can bring out the ballistics bigotry in some people, my finger is on the Remove button and ready to work overtime! :-) Be good. • ------------------- ------------------------ Remember to check out our video clips on the Hickok45Clips channel: / @hickok45clips • Also, check out the Hickok45talks channel for new “talking” content. / @hickok45talks • Please check out and support the people who help make this channel possible: • Become a Gong Club member at our Patreon Page: / hickok45 • SDI (Sonoran Desert Institute): https://www.sdi.edu/hickok45/ • Alabama Holster: https://alabamaholster.com/ • Talon Grips: https://talongungrips.com/ • Ballistol: https://ballistol.com/ • • The short FAQ Videos playlist will answer most questions you have: • • FAQ Videos • Find us on Hickok45 Twitter and Facebook, as well as “therealHickok45” on Instagram. • Hickok45 videos are filmed on my own private shooting range and property by trained professionals for educational and entertainment purposes only, with emphasis on firearms safety and responsible gun ownership. We are NOT in the business of selling firearms or performing modifications on them. Do not attempt to copy at home anything you see in our videos. Firearms can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.