nanoVNA Coaxial Cable Measurement Methods Characteristic Impedance and Cable Loss VE6WGM
1. Calibrating the nanoVNA • 2. The Smith Chart - Briefly (Begins at 8:24) • 3. Measuring the characteristic impedance of coax cable. (Begins at 11:46) • 4. Measuring coax cable loss. (Begins at 22:34) • *Correction 1: At 23:34 I stated that the nanoVNA has a directional coupler. I have since discovered that this is not accurate information. The nanoVNA actually uses a bridge to make it's measurements. My apologies. For more information on how this works, please see this excellent video here: • #502 NANOVNA Demystified • Correction 2: I recently looked back at this video (June 2023) and realized that I was referring to the ports on the nanoVNA as “Port S11” and “Port S21”. I believe this is not the correct way to identify these ports. Port 1 is where one takes S11 measurements, and Port 2 is where one takes S21 measurements. S11 and S21 indicate the type of measurement being taken… Port 1 and Port 2 are where these measurements are taken. Listening to how I was referencing these ports in this video now sounds awkward to me given the progress and experience I’ve gained in the use of the nanoVNA since this video was created. • ********************************* • Q - Can a piece of coaxial cable be resonant? • • • A - Yes. It can! • ********************************* • References: • • • • • • How to Measure Transmission Line Para...