Vegas Taxi Tales Friendly Talk
Vegas Street Scene takes a drive with an Ethiopian taxi driver who talks about Crazy Vegas, Vegas marriages, divorces, and gambling. He even teaches us a couple words of his language (Amharic). • • For the Michael Jackson fans, there is a quick shot of an MJ impersonator on the street who looks just like Jacko himself. Very eerie. • • Our mission at Vegas Street Scene ™ is showing you that there is more to Las Vegas than what happens behind closed doors. You know the saying, What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas ™. Ok, deal, but we believe that there is just too much happening in the street that the world needs to know about and see up close - The millions of lights, massive luxurious casinos, outdoor spectacles, street performers, the exhilarated tourist crowds themselves and what makes it all work. We want to get you excited about coming to Vegas, or for that matter, have a great armchair visit! For those coming here, we will provide you with tips, tricks, and money saving ideas on how to make your visit a safe and enjoyable time! • • VIVA LAS VEGAS BABY, It's Happening in the Street, and Vegas Street Scene ™ will bring it all to you! • • We all know the saying: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas ™. Ok, deal, but we believe that there is just too much happening in the street that you need to know about, and see up close - The millions of lights, massive luxurious casinos, outdoor spectacles, street performers, the exhilarated tourist crowds themselves, and what makes it all work. • • Just like The Vegas Strip, we're glitzy, a little raw, but always sexy. Through our video programming and Vegas Street, we'll get you the scoop of all that's happening in the Vegas street - and then some!. • • See our Blogs: • • VEGAS STREET SCENE™ • http://vegasstreetscene.blo... • • WELCOME SIGN • http://welcometofabulousvegas.blogspo... • • PICTURES OF VEGAS: • • • © Copyright 2010 Vegas Street Scene, LLC. Las Vegas, NV