Moog Matriarch Patchbook • Lightbath Demos
Download the Lightbath Matriarch Exploration Patchbook → • My Matriarch Exploration Patchbook aims to help you create patches that breathe and flow like living creatures. One of my primary techniques is using small amounts of complex modulation (modulating modulation rate with more modulation) to move things around ever so slightly. I also use the Round Robin Voice Assignment mode (configurable in Global Settings) at all times to rotate through the oscillators on each keypress (or arpeggiator step). A few of the patches use my favorite patchable feature that allows an expression pedal to work as a stereo pre-effects volume control, opening up the ability to fade the sound in and out before it hits the delay so that the effects continue to trail off as the dry input is lowered or removed. • The ‘Synthesize Live’ patch is a greatest hits of all of the above techniques and is what I used for the entirety of my ‘Synthesize Live’ performance ( • Moog • Synthesize Live with Eurorack ... ). That improvised livestream performance birthed two pieces— ‘Apurina’ and ‘Fairland Bond’—that appear in remastered form on my newest Selected Public Works album. • Selected Public Works, Vol. 5 releases December 11, 2020. Listen to the single “Murici,” and pre-order the album on cassette/digital → • ✶ TABLE OF CONTENTS ✶ • 00:00 - Intro • 00:10 - Chords of Canada • 00:44 - Matriarp • 01:25 - A Dip in the Floor • 02:00 - Boardwalk Park Place (full musical piece) • Join the Club Lightbath community on Discord, plus get patch notes and lessons through my Creative Mentorship program → / lightbath • ✶ THANKS ✶ • Moog Music → • ✶ GEAR ✶ • Moog Matriarch → • Hosa cables → • Lightbath Mall → • Audio + Video gear → • Some of the above may contain affiliate links which earn me a small commission. If you'd like a way to support me at no extra cost, please use the links. • ✶ ZONES ✶ • Website → • Emails → • Instagram → / __lightbath • Twitter → / lightbath • Soundcloud → / lightbath • Spotify → • Bandcamp → • Patreon → / lightbath • #moogmatriarch #synthesizer #sounddesign