Splayed Legs Treatment of a Spraddle Leg Slipped Tendon of a Chicken
Use a very thin rubber band (the very thinnest kind). Cut it so you have a long stretchy string. Then tie one end around one ankle and leave a long piece/end sticking out. Then tie the other ankle with a loose knot leaving about an inch between legs so that the feet stay under the body. After you tie a loose knot around the second ankle you then tie that end of the string to the tied off other end of the string. So under the body the string is tied to istelf. That way as the chick runs and walks around they don't manage to pull the rubber band knots too tight on their ankles. If you don't tie the ends of the string to the other end, the chick will walk and it will pull the rubber band and possibly tighten the knots around the ankle. • With this method the chick can learn to walk. It gives them mobility but keeps their feet under their body. After about a day, they will be running and walking with it like all the rest. Check the knots often just to be sure they don't pull tight on their ankles and leave it on for about a week. • Supposedly works every time. • Source: http://www.backyardchickens.com/t/416...