ME VS Ice and FireDragon Player VS Minecraft Mob battle Mobs Showcase


Join The discord to discuss battle or make suggestion!   / discord   • Thanks for watching please subscribe for more awesome content, and share it with your friends. You are awesome! •   / fengkarat   •   / karatfeng   • Why bother playing all in survival when my goal is to only beat The Mobs in Ice and fire. THIS IS BMM, Beating Modded Mobs! This is simple, I start Fighting a Mob with simple Iron Armor, If I die I switch to Diamond, If I die again, I can either use Thing equivalent to diamond that is attainable at the moment of fighting that Mob in the mod, or I equip Netherite, If I fail Again and I don't feel that netherite is enough, I will Either Enchant My netherite to Prot 4 or use a set of armor that is in the mod stronger than netherite(if there is any). If with all this I still can't beat it….well time for me to uninstall XD • So I, Karat Feng! Will try to defeat Every Mobs from Ice and fire: Dragon • ME VS Ice and Fire:Dragon | Player VS Minecraft Mob battle (Mob Showcase) • Karat Feng vs Ice and Fire:Dragon • I fought Ice and Fire:Dragon • the next paragraph is just to mess with youtube: • Vs Every Unit, IdkGaming16, KD Minecraft, MC silver battle, Popular MMO, Wadzee, SB737, Elevenberi, Minecrab, Minecraft but I, vee jay • #minecraftchallenge #minecraft #IceandFire #dragon #hydra #gorgon #cyclop


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