Gotoh Minilocking Tuners How to w Tips


These tuners are found on some fairly high-end guitars like Tom Anderson (early 2000's) Friedman guitars (~2019). I really love these, but they can be confusing at first and typically don't come w/ instructions. I didn't drive it home enough in the video but keep stretching the strings until they stop loosing pitch. That makes all the difference w/ these. • Michael Nielson's video on these:    • How to change strings on Friedman Vin...   • (he makes way better videos than I do) • • Old Tom Anderson instructions: • Removing Old Strings • 1. Pull string back from tuning gear. • 2. Turn tuner clockwise until string automatically releases. • 3. Cut string in half and pull out of body. * • Do not release tension of all strings on X-bridge trem guitar. Bridge may snap back and damage finish! • Installing new strings • 1. Pull string tight through bridge hole • 2. Pull string through tuner hole leaving no slack in the string. • 3. Turn tuner counter-clockwise, tuner will automatically pinch and tighten string. (We recommend using a string winder) • 4. Tighten to pitch. • 5. Cut string ends as close as possible to tuner. • 6. Stretch strings by holding string down at first fret and stretching the string with other hand. • 7. Tighten to pitch again.


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