Mon père My father
Welcome to French classes with Gurbani Kaur . Today we will learn how to describe your father in 10 lines. • While we start a description, we always start by the name followed by we can add age, profession (business man, doctor, architect etc), address ,physical features (how they look like big, small, tall, short, thin ,fat etc), nationality . • These are the common lines we can use while describing any person. • After these sentences, we can describe their likes and dislikes ( he likes to eat chocolate, he likes vegetables etc) • And last we can end by saying I love my father. • So learn these sentences and voilà you will be able to describe your father and enhance your vocabulary at the same time. • So here were simple basic sentences describing my father. • #myfather #description #descriptionoffather #mon père #10linesonfather #easyfrench #simplefrench #frenchforstudents #schoolfrench #frenchteacher #learnfrench#learneasyfrench #cbsefrench #ibfrench #icsefrench #frenchforbeginners #frenchlistening #learnfrenchwithgurbanikaur #studyfrench #frenchgrammer #youtubefrench #frenchvideos #frenchlesson #frencheducation #basicfrench #intermediatefrench #frenchpronunciation