C2H2 Molecular Geometry Shape and Bond Angles see description for note
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A quick explanation of the molecular geometry of C2H2 including a description of the C2H2 bond angles. Note, the Hydrogen atoms (H) should not have lone pair electrons! • We'll determine the C2H2 molecular geometry with respect to the Carbon on the right (the other Carbon atom will have the same shape since they are symmetrical). • Looking at the C2H2 Lewis structure we can see that there are two atoms attached to the Carbon of interest and that there no lone pair electrons. Based on VSEPR Theory (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory) the electron clouds on the atoms around the C will repel each other. As a result they will be pushed apart giving the molecule a linear molecular geometry or shape. • The C2H2 bond angle will be 180 degrees since it has a linear geometry. • Helpful Resources: • • How to Draw Lewis Structures: • How to Draw Lewis Structures: Five Ea... • • Molecular Geometry and VSEPR Explained: • Molecular Geometry: Rules, Examples, ... • • Using the AXE Method for Molecular Geo: • Molecular Geometry, Bond Angle, Hybri... • • Molecular Geo App: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/m... • Get more chemistry help at http://www.breslyn.org • Drawing/writing done in InkScape. Screen capture done with Camtasia Studio 4.0. Done on a Dell Dimension laptop computer with a Wacom digital tablet (Bamboo).