Fractions of Petroleum


Check out us at: • Fractions of Petroleum • The petroleum is separated into four or five fractions by fractional distillation. The different fractions (or cuts) differ in their volatile matter content. As the crude oil is heated to about 400 degree in an iron retort, the volatile constituents are evaporated leaving the asphalt or coke as a residue. The hot vapours are then passed up a fractionating column which is a tall cylindrical tower in which a number of horizontal stainless steel trays are located at short distances. Each tray is provided with a small chimney which is covered with a loose cap. As the vapours move up, they get cooler and cooler and there is fractional condensation at different regions on the column. Higher boiling fractions will condense first while the lower boiling fractions will condense later. Low boiling fractions can be purified and used. • • Please like our facebook page •   / tutorvista   Follow us at:


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