Nominal and Effective Interest Rates Engineering Economics Lightboard
What are interest rates? • Investing Tips of the Month: • Learn how to get $1,700 in FREE STOCK with ROBINHOOD: • See which service's stock picks have TRIPLED THE MARKET for the last 20 years: • Interest rates, however, are important to understand because of their profound effects on your stock portfolio and your ability to buy a house. This impact is so significant that the chairman of the Fed Reserve is probably the second most powerful person in the country after the President. • Interest rates generally refer to the general level of interest that a borrower has to pay a lender to borrow a certain amount of money for a certain amount of time. These rates refer to all sorts of loans, ranging from ones companies take to buy new machines, to ones you or I would take to buy a new house. Although these loans can be used by very different borrowers for very different purposes, their overall levels generally rise and fall together. Think of a rising tide lifting all boats in the water, regardless of whether it’s a tanker or a rowboat. Intuitively, high interest rates dissuade people from borrowing because it becomes more expensive to do so. • AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this webpage are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Wall Street Survivor may earn a commission if you sign up with one of our affiliates. However, this does not impact our opinions and comparisons.