Formation of an Image Due to Multiple Reflection of Light
Check out us at: • Multiple Reflection of Light • The multiple reflection devices are used to see above the heads of the crowd and used by the soldiers in trench warfare. The final image formed by the multiple reflection is not brightly illuminated as light energy is absorbed due to the multiple reflections. Any deposition of moisture or dust on the mirror reduces the reflection, almost to nil , hence the multiple reflection devices cannot be used at the places where there is lot of dust and humidity. • Please like our facebook page • / tutorvista Check us out at • Determinant • A determinant is a real number associated with every square matrix. I have yet to find a good English definition for what a determinant is. Everything I can find either defines it in terms of a mathematical formula or suggests some of the uses of it. There's even a definition of determinant that defines it in terms of itself. • The determinant of a square matrix A is denoted by det A or | A |. Now, that last one looks like the absolute value of A, but you will have to apply context. If the vertical lines are around a matrix, it means determinant. • Please like our facebook page • / tutorvista