Republic of the Marshall Islands Opening Ceremony Performance FESTPAC 2024
Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to the opening ceremony of FESTPAC 2024. It is with great honor and excitement that we introduce to you the Republic of the Marshall Islands, a nation rich in culture, tradition, and resilience. As they take the stage, we are greeted with a powerful expression of their heritage, embodied in the word Iakwe. Iakwe is more than a simple greeting. In the Marshall Islands, it holds the profound meaning of Aloha, encapsulating the essence of love, compassion, and respect. This word signifies the warmth and hospitality that the people of the Marshall Islands extend to all.Tonight, as they share their cultural performances with us, let us embrace the spirit of Iakwe and celebrate the diversity and unity that FESTPAC 2024 represents.Please join me in welcoming the Republic of the Marshall Islands.#FESTPAC2024 #Iakwe #MarshallIslandsCulture