Nikon 18140mm f3556G ED VR DX Lens
Here's a quick video sampling of the Nikon 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6 G ED VR Lens. Taking it out for the first time to find its strengths and limitations. Shot with a D7100 hand held for the car photo test and video with 3 stop ND filter. Used a tripod for the night and panorama photos and video test. • I sold my Nikon 35mm f/1.8G and Nikon 18-55mm kit lens to get this upscale kit lens. Mainly for the zoom range and size. I based my purchased on the following factors: • • • And the price. • My Review: It's a great lens for the price. And, it's a great travel lens with a lot of range. Will work well in low light, and if you use a tripod, you'll get the best low light performance. The night shot of the Vegas Skyline was zoomed to 140mm at about 10 miles away (a 15 mile drive). Thus the fine details were not clear. However, anything with a mile will present great detail and results. Anything within 50m or 50 yards will get superior image quality. • IMO this is a decent lens with decent image quality. The VR is very effective. 1/20th sec for panning the cars was difficult. But, at 1/60th, it was easy to get sharp action images at the 70 to 140mm zoom range. For this test, I shot manual and used a 3 stop ND filter to get the shutter speed down. This lens will stop down to f/27 at 70mm and even smaller at 140mm, but every speck of dust on your sensor will show up in the image. Diffraction was normal, after f/16, and no traces of Chromatic Aberration or problems with vignette. Also, Distortion was high on both ends but easily fixed in camera when shooting JPEG and in Lightroom 5 shooting RAW. Overall image quality across the images and through the zoom range is excellent. A great all in one lens. • Disclaimer: No cats were harmed during the shooting of this video. In fact, they were given cat treats for their participation. • Music from YouTube Audio Library royalty free music. • Song Afrola by Bird Creek • All photography and video production by toxictabasco. • Copyright 2015 all rights reserved. • Thanks for viewing, and special thanks to Bird Creek and YouTube for providing the great song for my video.