Ruffed Grouse Drumming


This week’s #BirdOfTheWeek gives us an inside look at the wildlife that relies on the riparian habitat at our Darlin Creek Preserve. This beautiful bird is a ruffed grouse. About 22 seconds in, you can watch the grouse perform his “drum display” by rapidly beating his wings through the air. In the grouse world, this display is used to attract a mate. When you hear the noise in person it sounds more like a low, rapid-fire bass noise. Keep your ears open as you walk the trails at Darlin Creek Preserve for his low-frequency drumming sounds! • πŸ¦πŸ¦†πŸ¦…πŸ¦‰ • The spring season inspired us to create fun short clips featuring western Washington birds and their songs and calls. Be on the lookout every Friday on our social media accounts and YouTube for the latest Bird of the Week. We hope you enjoy learning about the amazing diversity of feathered friends benefitting from local land conservation! • #BirdsOfWashington #BirdsOfPugetSound #CLTBirds #CLTBirdOfTheWeek #BirdConservation #Conservation #PugetSound #BirdingByEar #RuffedGrouse #DarlinCreekPreserve


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