How to Wire Reversing Track Power on Turntables Electricity for Model Railroads
Power to the bridge of a two-rail turntable on a model railroad requires reversing the polarity of the bridge depending on the way the turntable is aligned. It's yet another form of reversing loop . • This week we look at what seems like a simple wiring problem, and it in fact is, yet if you don't understand the issue and wire for it it's not going to work. When a turntable bridge is rotated 180º the two rails swap sides, and anything moving on or off the turntable will short out the power bus. The simple fix is to treat it as a reversing loop and wire the bridge to a double pole double throw (DPDT) toggle switch with a wire crossover across the switch just as with any other reversing loop. • DC, AC, and DCC railroads all have this issue. The difference is that on AC and DCC railroads reversing the turntable bridge power does not change the direction of the locomotive(s). • Automation on DC railroads usually requires a power wiper for sending the power to the bridge that reverses the polarity whenever the bridge passes 90º from the original position. Many commercial turntables have this built in. But if you are building your own you will need to add a reversing system. • PS A simple way to power the bridge is using a headphone jack on the bottom of the drive shaft. The jack can spin inside the plug easily and never lose power. • #modelrailroad #modelrailroader #trainlayout