La canzone del Piave The song of Battle of Piave River 1918
Every 24 of may there is anniversary of famous Battle of Piave River (1918). In memory of these young guys... • In 1918, during World War I, it was the scene of Battle of the Piave River, the last major Austro-Hungarian attack on the Italian Front, which failed. The Battle of the Piave was the decisive battle of World War I on the Italian Front. The river is thus called in Italy Fiume Sacro alla Patria (Sacred River of the Homeland) and is mentioned in the patriotic song La leggenda del Piave . • • English traslation: • The Piave whispered calm and placid during the crossing • of the first infantrymen on 24 May; • the army marched on to reach the frontier • to make a wall against the enemy. • the silent infantrymen passed in the night • they had to be silent and go forward. • From the beloved river banks they heard • light and low the exultation of the waves. • It was a sweet and propitious omen. • The Piave whispered: the foreigner shall not pass! • But on a sad night, they talked about a dark event,[2] • the Piave felt the wrath and the dismay. • Alas, he saw so many people coming down, leaving their homes; • because of the shame that had taken place in Caporetto. • Refugees everywhere, from the distant mountains, • they came to crowd all his bridges. • They heard from the violated river-banks • light and sad the murmur of the waves • Like a sob in that black autumn • the Piave whispered: the foreigner is returning! • And the enemy returned, moved by his pride and by his hunger, • he wanted to vent all his cravings. • He saw the sunny plain from up there, • he wanted to feed and to exult like in the past. • No! the Piave said, No! said the infantrymen, • May the enemy never make a single step ahead! • They saw the Piave swelling from his banks • and his waves were fighting like the infantrymen. • Red with the blood of the haughty enemy, • the Piave ordered them: Go back, foreigner! • Then the enemy withdrew to Trieste, to Trento • and victory spread her wings on the air. • The ancestral oath was honored; among the ranks they saw • Oberdan, Sauro and Battisti resurrecting. • At last the Italic courage broke • the gallows tree and the weapons of the hangman. • Secure the Alps, free the shores, • the Piave got silent, the waves appeased. • On the fatherland's soil, the grim empires vanquished, • peace found neither oppressed people nor foreigners.