Super Vocal Zhou Shen quotMemoryquot A song from the heavens REACTION
HIS VOICE IS QUITE MAGICAL. • ORIGINAL VIDEO - • 周深《memory》:一段从仙境飘来的歌声 - 单曲纯享《声入人心》 Su... • Super Vocal : New episodes released every Friday at 11:00 pm until January 18th. • Program Description: I am chasing the light with my voice -- Super Vocal is the first inspirational vocal music competition program in the country. With musicians/artists Liao Changyong, Shang Wenjie, and Henry Lau as producers, the 36 members will alternate between being Principals and Understudies. Through young and fresh methods, this program will overturn the public's inherent impression of classical music and lead them to better understand the unique charm of vocal music. The audience can expect to hear quality bel canto (opera and musical) performances and witness the growth of these 36 performers, as well as the interactions between the producers and the members. • Super Vocal Full Playlist: • Super Vocal (Extended version) Full Playlist: • Super Vocal Individual Songs Playlist: • Super Vocal Behind the Scenes: • • Note: English translations brought to you by the Super Vocal Subtitle Group.