NASA Video Shows Motion of Stars
To human eyes, stars seem like some of the most unmoving objects in the universe. From the perspective of thousands of years, however, they swarm like bees. • • The Hubble Space Telescope has helped bring to life such motion in 100,000 stars drifting around within a distant celestial blob called Omega Centauri, a globular cluster orbiting the Milky Way galaxy about 16,000 light-years from Earth. • • To create the video above, Hubble took photos of Omega Centauri from 2002 to 2006. But the video doesn't show that period. Instead, it's a computer-powered projection of the next 10,000 years deduced from the snapshots. • • The video is from NASA, is in the Public Domain, and is used under the full legal protection of 'fair use' and is linked here: • • • Read the full story here: • • • Join us on Facebook • / 166739256428 • • Follow us on Twitter • / thedailyconvo • • The background music is from Apple's iMovie